
My research program lies at the intersection of animal behavior, conservation science, and machine learning. I am particularly interested in the use of bioacoustics techniques to improve monitoring efforts of vocal vertebrates and their habitats in Southeast Asia. I am passionate about open science and love using R.

Download my CV.

  • Machine Learning
  • Primate Conservation
  • Bioacoustics
  • PhD in Evolutionary Anthropology, 2017

    University of California, Davis

  • MSc in Biology, 2009

    Portland State University

  • BSc in Biology, 2006

    University of Puget Sound

Recent Publications

Clink, D. J., 2024. Isochronous rhythms: Facilitating song coordination across taxa?. Current Biology, 34(5), pp.R201-R203.

Lakdari, M.W.*, Ahmad, A.H., Sethi, S., Bohn, G.A. and D.J. Clink, 2024. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients outperform embeddings from pre-trained convolutional neural networks under noisy conditions for discrimination tasks of individual gibbons. Ecological Informatics, 80, p.102457.

Adret, P., Clink, D. J. and S. Dolotovskaya. 2023. Duetting and turn-taking patterns of singing mammals: From genes to vocal plasticity, and beyond. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, p.1279635.

Clink, D. J. (2023), Documenting the disappearance of primates from spaces where they once occurred. Conservation Biolog., 37: e14140. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.14140

van Kuijk, S.M., O’Brien, S., D.J. Clink., Blake, J.G. and A. Di Fiore. 2023. Automated detection and detection range of primate duets: a case study of the red titi monkey (Plecturocebus discolor) using passive acoustic monitoring. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11.

Vu, T.T., Doherty, P.F., T. Nguyen, H., Clink, D. J., Nguyen, M.D., Dong, H.T., Cheyne, S.M., Giang, T.T., Phan, D.V., Ta, N.T. and D.V. Tran. 2023. Passive acoustic monitoring using smartphones reveals an alarming gibbon decline in a protected area in the central Annamite Mountains, Vietnam. American Journal of Primatology, 85(11), p.e23544.

D’Agostino, J. *, Spehar, S., Abdullah, A. & D.J. Clink. (2023). Variation in wild siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) US-II phrases: further evidence of flexibility in a previously described stereotyped vocalization. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10764-023-00384-5.

Vu, T.T., Nguyen, T.C., Doherty Jr, P.F., Nguyen, H.T., D.J. Clink, Nguyen, M.D., Dong, H.T. and Giang, T.T., 2023. Using mobile smartphones and bioacoustics to monitor endangered bird species. Ibis, 165(4), pp.1368-1377.

Clink, D. J., Kier, I.A.*, Ahmad, A.H. & H. Klinck. (2023). A workflow for the automated detection and classification of female gibbon calls from long-term acoustic recordings. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 11:1071640.

Kennedy, A.G. *, Ahmad, A.H., Klinck, H., Johnson, L.M. and D.J. Clink, 2023. Evidence for acoustic niche partitioning depends on the temporal scale in two sympatric Bornean hornbill species. Biotropica, 55(2), pp.517-528.

Comella, I.A.*, Tasirin, J.S., Klinck., H., Johnson, L.M. & D.J. Clink. (2022). Investigating note repertoires and acoustic tradeoffs in the duet contributions of a basal Haplorrhine primate. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10: 910121.

Clink, D. J., Lau, A.R. *, Kanthaswamy, S., Johnson, L.M. & K.L. Bales. (2021). Limited evidence for kin signatures in the duet contributions of a South American primate. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 35: 51-63. Download here

Clink, D. J., Zafar, M. *, Ahmad, A.H. & Lau, A.R. * (2021). Limited evidence for individual signatures or site-level patterns of variation in male Northern gray gibbon (Hylobates funereus) duet codas. International Journal of Primatology. 42: 896-914. Download here

Clink, D. J., Groves, T.*, Ahmad, A.H. & H. Klinck. (2021). Not by the light of the moon: investigating circadian rhythms and ecological predictors of calling in Bornean great argus. PLOS ONE. 16: e0246564. Download here.

Clink, D. J. & H. Klinck. (2021). Unsupervised acoustic classification of individual gibbon females and the implications for passive acoustic monitoring. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12: 328-341. Download here.

Clink, D. J. & A.R. Lau *. (2020). Adherence to Menzerath’s Law is the exception (not the rule) in three duetting primate species. Royal Society of Open Science. 7: 201557. Download here.

Sethi, S.S, Jones, N.S., Fulcher, B.D., Picinali, L., Bernard, H., Clink, D. J., Klinck, H., Orme, C.D.L., Wrege, P., & R. Ewers. (2020). Characterizing soundscapes across diverse ecosystems using a universal acoustic feature set. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117: 17049-17055. Download here.

Lau, A.R. *, Clink, D. J. & K. L. Bales. (2020). Individuality in the vocalizations of adult and infant coppery titi monkeys (Plecturocebus cupreus). American Journal of Primatology. e23134. Download here.

Clink, D. J., Ahmad, A.H. & H. Klinck. (2020). Brevity is not a universal in animal communication: evidence for compression depends on the unit of analysis in small ape vocalizations. Royal Society of Open Science. 7: 7200151. Download here.

Clink, D. J., Ahmad, A.H. & H. Klinck. (2020). Gibbons aren’t singing in the rain: presence and amount of rainfall influences ape calling behavior in Sabah, Malaysia. Scientific Reports. 10: 1-13. Download here.

Clink, D. J., Lau, A.R. * & K. L. Bales. (2019). Pulse rate and duration of pulse elements in titi monkey duets reflect caller age and pair-bond length. Behaviour. 1: 1-24. Download here.

Clink, D. J., Tasirin, J.S. & H. Klinck. (2019). Vocal individuality and rhythm in male and female duet contributions of a nonhuman primate. Current Zoology. 0: 1-14. Download here.

Lau, A.R. *, Clink, D.J., Crofoot, M. C., & A.J. Marshall. (2018). Evidence for high variability in temporal features of male Bornean gibbon (Hylobates muelleri) codas. International Journal of Primatology. 39: 670-684. Download here.

Clink, D. J., Grote, M.N., Crofoot, M. C., & A.J. Marshall. (2018). Understanding sources of variance and correlation among features of Bornean gibbon (Hylobates muelleri) female calls. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 142: 1-11. Download here.

Clink, D. J., Charif, R.A., Crofoot, M. C., & A.J. Marshall. (2018). Evidence for vocal performance constraints in a female non-human primate. Animal Behaviour. 141: 85-94. Download here.

Clink, D. J., Crofoot, M. C., & A.J. Marshall. (2018). Application of a semi-automated vocal fingerprinting approach to monitor Bornean gibbon females in an experimentally fragmented landscape in Sabah, Malaysia. Bioacoustics. 1-17. Download here.

Clink, D. J., Bernard, H., Crofoot, M. C., & A.J. Marshall. (2017). Investigating individual vocal signatures and small-scale patterns of geographic variation in female Bornean gibbon (Hylobates muelleri) great calls. International Journal of Primatology. 38: 656-671. Download here.

Clink, D. J., Dillis, C., Feilen, K. L., Beaudrot, L., & A.J. Marshall. (2017). Dietary diversity, feeding selectivity, and responses to fruit scarcity of two sympatric Bornean primates (Hylobates albibarbis and Presbytis rubicunda rubida). PLOS ONE. 12: e0173369. Download here.

Dillis, C., Beaudrot, L., Feilen, K.L., Clink, D. J., Wittmer, H.U. & A.J. Marshall. (2015). Modeling the ecological and phenological predictors of fruit consumption by gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis). Biotropica. 47: 85-93. Download here.


2022- Contributor to ‘Bioacoustics in Indonesia and Malaysia: Conservation in Action’.
Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3QXYF0m5Ksk&feature=youtu.be

2021 - Contributor to ‘Exploring Nature Through Sound and Music: Tropical Oceans and Islands’.
Link: https://academy.allaboutbirds.org/live-event/explore-nature-through-sound-and-music-tropical-islands-and-ocean/

2020 - Animal Behavior Society Twitter Takeover.
Link: https://twitter.com/AnimBehSociety/status/1308043636496576514?s=20

2020- Contributor to Center for Conservation Bioacoustics Blog titled: “CCB in Southeast Asia: Gibbons, bioacoustics, and durian, oh my!”
Link: https://www.birds.cornell.edu/ccb/ccb-in-southeast-asia-gibbons-bioacoustics-and-durian/.

2019 - Contributor to the Mongabay podcast titled: “How listening to individual gibbons can benefit conservation.”
Link: https://news.mongabay.com/2019/11/audio-how-listening-to-individual-gibbons-can-benefit-conservation/
